Person sitting on cliffside watching sunrise

4 Benefits of Sleeping Early

Sleeping early at night can seem impossible at times because so many distractions keep us awake at night, and we end up staying awake, sometimes until the early hours of the morning.

If you do that, you miss out on the many benefits of sleeping early!

While it is important to get between six and eight hours of sleep every night, the time you go to sleep impacts how well-rested you will be in the morning.

Sleeping earlier can greatly affect how you feel and function during the day.

Need more convincing? Here are four good reasons to go to bed early at night instead of staying up late:

notebook for writing down routine

1. Sleeping earlier helps to give your body a routine.

When you have a set time to sleep each night, your body gets used to it over time. This means that it will not take as long for your body to fall asleep because it already knows it’s time for sleep when you get into bed.

This also helps with waking up in the morning because your body should know when to get up.

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2. Going to bed early at night helps to decrease stress and anxiety.

Stress can harm your health in many ways. It can lead to high blood pressure, weight gain, or even depression in some cases.

Getting enough sleep can help you avoid these problems because it reduces the cortisol your body makes when you are awake.

This hormone is responsible for your stress response, among other things, so avoiding it could make for a less stressful life overall.

Sleeping earlier also means avoiding the increased cortisol levels that come before sunrise because there are no bright lights to send signals to your body telling it that it is time to be active.

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3. Sleeping early may improve memory function over time.

According to researchers, early sleepers show better cognitive performance over time. They also have a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other memory problems.

Sleeping well at night has been shown to help with concentration and focus, so getting enough rest could allow you to function better during the day.

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4. Sleeping earlier may reduce your chances of diabetes.

Getting enough sleep every night can help with many different things because it helps your body function properly overall.

According to research from the University of Chicago Medical Center, one benefit of sleeping early is that you are less likely to develop diabetes.

This is largely because sleeping improves insulin levels, allowing sugar levels in your body to return to normal after eating.

How can I create a habit of sleeping early?

1. Set a sleeping routine

Set a routine on when you will sleep, and try not to be too late, but it is more important for you to go to bed at the same time every night.

2. Start slowly

If you’re used to staying up late and sleeping in, start by gradually going to bed earlier. You can move your sleeping time earlier by 15 minutes every few days.

This will allow you to adjust and allow enough time to sleep slowly.

3. Relax for an hour before sleeping

Let go of using electronic devices about 2 hours before falling asleep (this can affect how tired you feel and how quickly you fall asleep).

Also, try not to do stimulating activities such as sports or having food/beverages containing caffeine (such as energy drinks).

Instead, try reading a book or meditating – this will make it easier for you to fall asleep

4. Create a dark & cool sleeping environment

Creating a good dark environment is important to help you sleep better.  If you can’t remove all the lights, use an eye sleep mask or install blackout curtains.

It is also good to make your room more comfortable by making it colder (around 18° Celsius) and getting some white noise. If a pet barks or makes noises at night, try using earplugs.

5. Set small, achievable goals

You’re more likely to stick with your goals if you make them small and achievable. Setting the goal to “I will go to bed at 10 pm every day” is too big; make it more specific, like ” I will start going to bed at 10pm every weekday”.

Remember that consistency is key!

Final Thoughts

Although it can be tough at first, sleeping early and on time every night can help you to live a healthier lifestyle in many ways.

Sleeping between six and eight hours is best for most people, but you should experiment to find out what works best for you.

It is important to remember that you might feel groggy at first as your body adjusts, but it should eventually get easier as sleep becomes a habit.

Remember, you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try!