Person laying on inflatable mattress in a swimming pool

BBL Chair, BBL Mattress & Other Post-BBL Essentials

After the BBL surgery, there are several things one can expect to happen on the road to recovery. You can use a BBL Chair, BBL Mattress, and a handful of other accessories to aid your recovery.

With a sore booty, you don’t want to put stress on the BBL region and cause permanent drooping, do you? Because that’s gonna happen inevitably if you lie on your back without any aids for an extended amount of time.

If you’re like most people, your pain can be so severe that basic movements are out of the question. Don’t worry, though. We’ll go through some post-BBL rehabilitation aids that will help you get back to your old routine.

Busy? Check out the products we reviewed in this article below:

What Should I Get?​

The answer to this question depends on two things: your lifestyle and budget. It would be best if you had a BBL pillow handy at the very least. This is because BBL Pillows are very versatile and easy to carry.

BBL Pillow

We cannot emphasize enough the benefits a BBL pillow can provide for your post-recovery journey. They can be used almost anywhere and is affordable compared to the other essentials. While BBL pillows can help you sit during the day, you still need to consider how to sleep after BBL.

BBL Mattress

There is a very limited number of bbl bed pillow that is available in the market. They are often advertised as BBL mattresses or BBL inflatable mattresses, but it’s pretty difficult to find one that meets one’s size requirements. Most of the ones that we have tested had inaccurate hole sizes.

If the BBL mattress has a hole too big for you, you will sink in the hole and risk complicating the recovery process further, by introducing back problems. If you have an existing lower back issue, it’s a big no-no for you.

Fortunately, Yesindeed, a well-known brand for post-BBL care, has released the Yesindeed BBL mattress.

BBL Chair

Now, BBL chairs are nice to have but are not as crucial as a BBL pillow. These can act as a stationary sitting area without the hassle of moving the pillow around all day. A BBL Chair may be a worthy investment if you are going to be home most days.

Other than that, there are plenty of other products available for you. We have reviewed all the products in the market and came up with a list of products according to their importance!

The Bare Minimum: BBL Pillow and Toilet Seat Lifter

These items should be on your shopping list if you’re thinking about getting the surgery done.

1. Bootylicious Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Pillow

Check Latest PriceIf you had read our Best BBL Pillow Review, you would know that the Bootylicious Butt Lift Recovery is a top contender of BBL pillows.

The set comes with a pillow and back support and can fit any shape, making it suitable for any chair. The back support comes with a strap at its back that allows it to be easily secured to chairs of all sizes.

The pillow and back support both have a removable back cover. This makes it an easy-to-clean pillow and back support set.

If you drive, this is one of the best purchases you can make after your surgery. We find that the set is most useful for the drivers.

The set is light and easy to carry. It is very sturdy and does not lose its shape. This is important because it will be under constant pressure.

Also, the set is comfortable right out of the box. Unlike the typical pillows, it does not require a little breaking in.

The only issue is this BBL pillow may be difficult to use on toilet seats. This is where the CareFox BBL Toilet Seat Lifter comes in handy.

2. CareFox Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) Toilet Seat Lifter

Check Latest PriceAlthough the BBL Toilet Seat Lifter is more suited to use on toilet seats, it is versatile and functions outside the toilet as well.

The BBL Toilet Seat Lifter is like a half-cylinder with flat sides. This shape makes it fit very well under the thigh area. It is also sturdy and does not move away when pressure is applied.

One of the great things about this pillow is the material used: Polypropylene. Polypropylene has two important features: durability and heat resistance.

You can not afford to sacrifice durability, because the seat lifter will be subjected to your full body weight and pressure from your thighs.

Fortunately, the CareFox Brazillian Butt Lift Toilet Seat Lifter delivers in spades.

Furthermore, the use of a pillow for extended hours can build up heat. Polypropylene’s heat-resistant properties will prevent heat and subsequent sweats to develop. This is important because sweat makes the pillow slippery.

Another fantastic feature of this pillow is that it’s incredibly light, weighing just around 3.98 ounces. As a result, you can carry the pillow with ease.

The only issue we found is that initially, you may find the pillow a little too hard. This shouldn’t be too big of an issue though, as user experience tells us that it takes a couple of days for the pillow to break in and the material to soften.

The Should Have: Inflatable BBL Chair​ & BBL Mattress

A BBL inflatable chair does the same thing that a BBL pillow does. It has a hollow seat so that your butt does not touch any surface. It is a good thing to have if you spend a lot of time at home after the surgery.

Before buying a BBL inflatable chair, we still recommend a BBL pillow or a toilet riser for the toilet seat.

3. Tropical Ambience Inflatable BBL Chair with Ottoman

Check Latest PriceIf you have decided to go the extra mile and buy an inflatable BBL Chair, we strongly recommend Tropical Ambience’s chair.

The chair comes with an ottoman that you can use to rest your legs.

This chair looks stylish. Since it is inflatable, it does not take much storage space when you don’t use it.

One of the main concerns with inflatable furniture is the possibility of getting punctured. But this BBL chair is made of high-quality PVC and is difficult to puncture. It is also strong and can hold up to 265 pounds of weight.

It is recommended that the chair is used against a wall. This chair can give the best support when it is placed against the wall.

It has a hole to prevent your buttocks from touching any surface. And the hole is large enough to fit most people.

The chair comes with a rapid valve at the bottom. So, it is also effortless to deflate it. It can be inflated with an air pump or a blower on low settings.

The best thing about this chair is that it comes with an air pump, allowing you to set up your BBL chair the moment you get it.

4. YESINDEED Brazilian Butt Lift Bed Inflatable BBL Mattress

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Yesindeed is a reputable brand that specialises in Brazilian butt lift recovery kits. They are also the makers of the recommended Yesindeed BBL Pillow. It is hard to find a BBL air mattress that has a good size hole because most are too big, and you end up sinking into the hole while laying on it.

Getting good sleep after Brazilian butt lift surgery means your body can recover better. This BBL air mattress has an appropriately sized hole so your butt will fill the air mattress comfortably while you sleep, and can help distribute the weight of your thighs evenly.

You have to make sure you measure your butt against the measurements of the hole before purchasing one.

This bbl air mattress inflate using an air pump, and can even be used as an air mattress in the swimming pool. You should put sharp objects away from the mattress though; air mattresses are prone to punctures and losing all the extra air.

The mattress comes with a free bag to store your deflated bbl mattress. You can inflate simply with an air pump, and deflate it with the valve on the bed.

The Extras: Lumbar Molder and Urination Device

If you are looking for ways to ease your recovery further, you can consider these other products. They generally do not cost much and can be pretty useful.

5. Moolida BBL Backboard Compression Lumbar Molder

Check Latest PriceBBL pillows attach to the seat. This lumbar molder attaches to your back and provides easy compression. It also minimizes the contact between your garment and the buttock.

The unit has a curved design that provides support and compression to the lumbar area.

6. Kpokpo Female Urination Device

Check Latest PriceThis urination device allows females to urinate without sitting on the toilet seat. It reduces the number of times you will be using the toilet seat.

After all, it is a hassle setting up your BBL seat on your toilet seat every time you urinate. Get your hands on this urination device and save yourself some hassle.

It is made up of medical-grade silicone resin. The choice of materials restricts bacterial growth and prevents odor from developing. It can also be washed easily with soap water.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I really need a BBL Mattress?

If you are able to find the BBL mattress or BBL bed with a booty hole that fits, then go ahead. Otherwise, we would not recommend using one unless you are tired of sleeping on your stomach or started developing sinuses. We still recommend getting the other accessories first.

You can even use a BBL pillow to support you while you sleep. Check out the video below to learn how:

Final Thoughts

While it can be tough during the post-BBL recovery period, the products we reviewed above would help you make life much more tolerable.

Although the accessories will provide certain benefits, we still highly recommend making the BBL pillow the first item to buy for its superior benefits and versatility.

Need help finding a BBL pillow? Check out our best BBL pillow review.